Monday, November 1, 2010

Notes on Agamemnon

 A.S.F Grow did a review on Agamemnon.  Ancient texts are often hard to decipher, Grow gave some opinions on a few sections/sub texts of this play.  His inputs can become useful information in recreating this play in modern time.  There are many things one might miss when reviewing something, so getting inputs from other people is definitely a plus.

"If we consider further the relation between Agamemnon's honour and the punishment of Paris, it is obvious that the relation is temporal rather than casual.  Agamemnon has only been the most august of men since Paris paid the penalty; so long as he remained unpunished Agamemnon's reputation has been under cloud."

Work Cited
A.S.F. Grow. Cambridge University Press. 1914. Web. 31 2010 <>

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